Cryptid Survey Report

[Cryptid Survey Report]


Reported sightings of large, enigmatic monsters (hereafter referred to as 'cryptids') in Crossbell State have recently been confirmed. The CGF is currently working to gain more insight into the situation.
Little is known about these cryptids aside from the simple fact that they exist. As such, countermeasures have yet to be devised. All recorded details regarding these cryptids are provided on the following pages.

Case A: Ursula Road

Ursula Road - through a small cave along the sandbar.
[Visual Profile]
Possesses various tortoise-like characteristics.
[Scouting Report]
Sighted by a guardsman on patrol. No attempt was made to engage, as the creature did not stray from its location over a short observation period. It does, however, grow aggressive when approached directly.

Case B: East Crossbell Highway

East Crossbell Highway - in a clearing past the boathouse.
[Visual Profile]
Plant-like creature. Possesses an enormous mouth.
[Scouting Report]
Sighted by a resident of the nearby boat shed. This report has yet to be verified by the CGF. As with the cryptid in Case A, it does not move from its general location, but becomes combative when confronted.